Charles Windeknecht, Head Coach

Coach Charles WindeknechtCoach Chuck is an experienced rowing coach and multi-accredited performance trainer with a strong record of working with high-school, college, and elite-level rowers. Most recently, he served as interim coach for Fordham University’s men’s rowing team, leading them to a bronze medal at the Dad Vail Regatta in 2024. His accolades as a rower include 53 Nationals titles, and 16 World Masters titles. He is also a Head of the Charles champion and course record holder (2011) as well as an US Olympic Trials finalist. 

In his own words:

“Throughout my career, I honed my coaching skills and developed a keen understanding of what it takes to cultivate a winning mentality and foster a culture of excellence within a team. My coaching philosophy revolves around the principles of leadership, inspiration, and teaching. I believe in empowering athletes to push their limits, both on and off the water, and in providing them with the guidance and support they need to excel.” 

Jay Ruzbacki, Coach: jayr @
Coach Jay RuzbackiCoach Jay Ruzbacki is originally from Coal Run, Pennsylvania and joined NRRA in 2023 to coach the youth program. She started her sculling career at Steel City Rowing Club in Pittsburgh, PA. Jay successfully competed as a coxswain on the Lightweight Men’s Rowing Team at Mercyhurst University until 2018. On her breaks from university Jay coached at Steel City Rowing Club where she eventually served as the Head Coach until 2021. Jay served as the Head Coach of Oakland Catholic’s high school rowing team in 2021. Jay has developed relationships with boathouses in China and worked with members of the Greek National and Olympic team while working in Ioannina, Greece as a teacher. In addition to coaching, Jay is a certified to teach History and English as a Foreign Language, and has a M.S in Educational Research. Her favorite thing about coaching is watching athletes cultivate a better community and environment than she could have ever anticipated.

Ford Smith, Coach

Coach Ford Smith